Registration Open for Thriving in the Emerging New World

Join in our great evolutionary leap of consciousness to birth a divine humanity capable of thriving in the emerging new world.

Together, we’ll learn how to:

πŸŒƒ Awaken to the power of the collective dark night to birth a new world.

🌌 Discover the unified nature of reality to gain access to the full power of the Universe.

🌠 Transform the challenges of our global emergency into the emergence of our conscious evolution.

πŸŒ… Choose transformative pathways to a life-affirming future integrating spiritual wisdom and contemporary science.

❀️‍πŸ”₯ Embody divine love in service to fostering compassionate action in the world.

πŸŒ„ Support life’s innate ability to thrive in evermore intelligent, resilient, adaptive, creative and regenerative ways.

πŸ•‰ Risk being dismantled and remade in response to the inner knowing that another world is indeed possible.