The importance of silence on the spiritual path ~ Eileen Caddy

Every soul along this spiritual path goes through times of seeming darkness, when nothing much seems to be happening, when they are deep down in the valley and the mountains seem far, far away and almost unattainable. When you are at your lowest ebb, there is no need to go rushing around looking for something outer to revitalise you and uplift you. This is when you need to be alone and go into the silence and then you will find just what you are looking for.

When your heart and mind are at peace things can begin to happen. Pray without ceasing, so your whole life is a prayer of praise, joy, glory and thanksgiving. Never close your heart; let My divine love flow in and through you at all times. Raise your consciousness so you leave the little self behind and you cannot be hurt or upset by the ordinary mundane things of life.

~ Inner guidance received through Eileen Caddy, Co-founder Findhorn Foundation Community

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