Thriving in the Emerging New World Online Self-Study Supported Registration

The Great Turning initiative at Findhorn is a labour of love in service to the evolution of human consciousness. All of our events, programmes, and global outreach activities are made possible through the generous gifting of our global family of change makers who resonate with, and support, the actualisation of The Great Turning.

Our experimentation with this alternative economic paradigm enables us to bring together diverse groupings of global participants, who may not otherwise be able to engage with our events and programmes, resulting in a rich, ongoing multicultural, intergenerational enquiry involving visionaries, thought leaders and change makers from all over the world.

The intention with our Online Learning Journeys is to cocreate a gift ecology network that cultivates the ethos of inclusion, diversity, cooperation, caring, kindness, generosity, altruism, abundance, and wealth-sharing.

The amount you gift is self-determined. We trust that you will select an amount that reflects your commitment, represents the value you place on the journey, and is genuinely aligned with your financial means. Please know that your generous gift will be joyfully and gratefully received in service to the transformation of human consciousness.

And if you feel inspired to gift-it-forward so that those with more limited funds are able to engage, we would be delighted and thankful to welcome your gift.

Registration Form